Dr. Abby Schutzman
Dr. Abby Schutzman is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. While there, she spent a significant amount of time as a volunteer surgeon for area shelters. After graduating, she practiced at Ardmore Animal Hospital (Best of the Main Line Award) and the Bucks County SPCA. Abby’s professional interests include soft tissue surgery, pediatric medicine, and shelter medicine.
Abby lives with her husband, son, dog (Pickles), and cats (Joe and Frito).
B.S., Haverford College, 2006
Veterinarian for Bucks County SPCA
Associate Veterinarian at Ardmore Animal Hospital
Volunteered at Philadelphia animal shelters, performing surgery.

Abby Schutzman, VMD
While I enjoy caring for all animals, I especially like working with rescue and shelter animals. I appreciate the opportunity to advocate and care for animals who don’t have a family to provide and make decisions for them.
Dr. Kathy Trow
Dr. Kathy Trow has been a successful veterinarian since 1994. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (where she received the Feline Practitioners Award), she practiced in two of the most respected facilities in the area, The Cat Hospital of Philadelphia (Best in Philly Award) and for thirteen years at Ardmore Animal Hospital (Best of the Main Line Award). Kathy’s professional interests are geriatric medicine, surgery, and endocrinology.
Kathy lives with her husband; three children; Piper the dog and Zip, Mojo, Trixie and Goose the cats.
B.S., Franklin & Marshall College, 1987
Associate Veterinarian at Ardmore Animal Hospital
Associate Veterinarian at The Cat Hospital of Philadelphia
1994-1996, 2000-2001:
Associate Veterinarian at Aston Veterinary Hospital
Volunteered at VHUP’s Wildlife Center
Trixie, Zip, Mojo & Goose (cats)

Katherine Trow, VMD
You know you have chosen the right career when after 20 years you still look forward to going to work every day.
Dr. Sondra Lavigne
Associate Veterinarian
Dr. Sondra Lavigne graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2021 with a dual VMD/PhD degree. During her graduate education, she conducted research on the use of antibiotics in children and pets. She worked as an Associate Veterinarian at Aston Veterinary Hospital from 2021 to 2024 and joined our team at Unity in 2024. Her professional interests include dermatology, internal medicine, and behavior.
Sondra lives in Springfield with her husband, two children, cats (Apollo and Pippen), and dog (Millie).
AB, Harvard University, 2010
2017-2020: Veterinary Researcher in Epidemiology

Sondra Lavigne, VMD/PhD
Each pet and each family are unique. I love working as a team with families to make sure their pets can live a happy, healthy life.